Yesterday we went to Larmer Tree; a family festival, near Salisbury. It has been running for 26 years but this was my first time! Although my sister has been before.

When we got there we put up our tent (because we had a one day ticket but this allowed us to camp for the night.) Then we went in and saw Mr Bloom and his baby veggies. There was lots of clapping and singing.

We had a look round next and there were lots of stalls selling clothes, food and wooden stuff, tails and nice things. I was getting hungry so I chose to have some Mac and cheese from Red Radish which came in a little pot and was the best I’ve ever had!

When we were having a look round we found a miniature fairy door (there are apparently lots of fairy doors dotted around the gardens and they are in remembrance of those people connected to the Larmer Tree family that have died.) I did look but I couldn’t find any more.

There are lots of things to do for children at the festival. I chose to make a bag and a milk bottle monster. These are all free to do.

I also made a wig wam with daddy.

In the afternoon I did some African drumming and songs.

We visited a bubble fairy and the bubbleman. There were lots of children who kept popping them and the Bubbleman had to tell them off!

One of my favourite things was seeing Granny Turismo, who are two grannies who sit on a motorised granny trolley and play loud music. They were funny.

My other favourite thing my toffee and honeycomb ice cream by Shepherd’s Ices.

The gardens are beautiful and there are lots of secret places to explore and you can always hear a peacock or parrots that live in the garden.

In the evening we saw Gabrielle Aplin whilst I had a crepe, then we did Ringo musical bingo with Ronan. After this we went back to the tent and went to sleep.

In the morning I woke up at 6am and we eventually got up and cooked bacon butties. Packed up the tent and went home.

It was soooo much fun!


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